I can't solve this for you, but I do have experience with this sort of thing. I would start by dating each photo and then estimating the age of each person. There are many websites and books that address specific dating techniques such as the carte de visite prints and cabinet cards. The carte de visite (Car da Vee) are dated by identifying minute details on the back as well as front. The edging of the actual photo in some cases narrows the range down to a few years. An edge with sharp corners vs rounded corners is significant. If you are soliciting help from experts on this, it is important to have a high quality scan of the photo (without framing) front and back. The exact size should be measured to the nearest 1/16 of an inch as well. This is a very deep rabbit hole. Oh, and you need a good magnifying glass.

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Ah, this is very good information. Thank you. I can't get the photos out of the Bible, so I suspect I'm at a standstill then.

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There are alternative tools for scanning. Maybe a wand scanner would work. IDK

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I’ve heard rumors of AI that is fairly good at facial recognition of old photos, but have never found one that worked well. Maybe someone in the @missiongenealogy community can help? Best of luck!

I just inherited ie saved from the dumpster several boxes of unidentified family photos, so will be following your progress!

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